It’s one of my favorite topics to tackle and one that has proven to be taboo – religion. Why is it such a taboo? Why do people feel so strongly for or against it? What about the people who seem to be on the fence or those who just don’t give a damn about it? Many films, books, and songs have been done in the name of, or against, religion and belief in the supernatural. Yes, it’s a subject that’s been beaten to death, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves just how stupid religion really is. There you have it. It is my bias and I am very confident in what I believe. Call it arrogance or misplaced faith, but I’ve come from the other camp, had a few years of being on the fence, and am on the free-thinking or rational side. Tonight I’ll be hosting another radio show so don’t forget to call in and lambast me with your irrational thoughts! I’ll be updating this post after the show to recap. Follow the link to listen to the show between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m. on January 10.


Call in between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m. PST and I will make sure you get on the air! (646) 727-1190

Yes, I am chalking this one up to religion because I am unafraid to say it: I am a staunch atheist and agree with Christopher Hitchens when he says, “Religion poisons everything.” One of the most recent and tragic acts committed in the name of religion and Islamic law is the stoning of a 13-year-old girl who begged for her life after she was raped. One observer said the young girl cried out, “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me!” 50 men soon went on to stone her to death. What’s worse is there were about 1,000 people who sat and witnessed the poor little girl’s horrid fate. Imagine how helpless the child must have felt being buried with only her head exposed as those religious fanatics committed what they believe is acceptable by Islamic law.

How did it ever get this far, you ask? Well, whatever drove those men to lie is beyond me, but the story allegedly begins with a 23-year-old woman who confessed to adultery. Why a woman would do such a thing, knowing what punishment awaits her, is beyond me (though it didn’t actually happen) – but how one stretches the truth in order to stone a little girl to death is even more despicable (much like religion itself). There was never a 23-year-old woman involved; the girl was only 13 years old and she didn’t commit adultery. If being raped by three men weren’t enough, authorities managed to turn the story around. Much to the demise of the little girl and saving embarrassment for the rapists, no one faced or owned up to the truth.

I dare any reader to contend that religion had anything to do with this. Religion has been responsible for unborn babies being slashed out of stomachs. Religious fanatics have been responsible for murdering girlfriends and beating boyfriends simply because they were found in a car together, unaccompanied. Islamic fanatics are the reason planes flew into the World Trade Center and hypocritical Christians are the reason that war ensued in Afghanistan and Iraq shortly thereafter. And now, a poor child is gone forever and ever because of a bunch of bastards who subscribe to ridiculous laws and use religion to propogate their perverse world.

Yes, religion poisons everything.