It seemed, to me anyway, that Barack Obama hadn’t spent as much time attacking McCain as McCain did Obama. Well, now that election day is drawing near and the McCain train isn’t letting up, Obama’s party has decided to do some smearing of their own. Finally! Over the weekend, Sarah Palin (the uneducated, hockey-mom, creationist that she is) accused Barack Obama of being associated with terrorists. She wasn’t referring to Osama Bin Laden, however, and instead talked about Obama’s history with Bill Ayers. Clever way to use the word “terrorist,” bitch. Sure, Ayers was a violent activist in the past, but he now holds the title “Distinguished Professor” at the University of Chicago and has since done a hell of a lot for educational reform.

The problem is your run-of-the-mill, ignorant, corn-fed Americans who are rootin’ for Palin and McCain (yes, I purposely named them in that order) believe all this garbage and fail to do research. So, Palin can muck around and hide behind that condescending smile while ignorant men of the States can think of nothing else but to defile her in ways unknown to most but those in protective custody and Catholic priests. This is how religious zealots are ruining the country: Corrupt and “religious” bureaucrats appeal to the religious fanatics (many of whom believe dinosaurs co-existed with man, the earth is 5,000 years old, and that ghosts and witches exist) and their personal beliefs find their way into our legislature.

Anyway, Barack has finally struck with accusations that connect McCain with a financial scandal during the 1980’s. McCain was part of the Keating Five, which was a group of 5 senators involved in the Charles Keating securities fraud. Even McCain has admitted that it was the “worst mistake of my life.”

Given the state of the economy and the massive recession the country is facing, Obama certainly struck while the iron was hot. This attack against McCain very loosely ties him with the people and the institutions responsible for our current financial crisis. Seriously, you know the nation is headed for pure, unadulterated shit if this decrepit old man and Puritan running mate make it into office.

[Via BBC]